OMB Mh6, bogiesider og overdel kan nu købes hos Shapeways
Hi Ole
Jeg har bestilt overdel samt bogiesider hos Shapeways, desværre dagen før deres "Black Friday Discount"
Jeg har modtaget følgende fra Shapeways, som jeg ville have sendt til dig privat men jeg kunne ikke finde din email adresse:
"Hi Niels,
The model "Scandia Kielervogn bogiesider" you ordered was put on hold by production because of design issues. We have contacted the designer so they can decide on what action to take for this model.
If the designer is unable to update this model within 7 calendar days, this model will be removed from your order and you will be issued a refund.
Have more questions? You can contact our customer service team for more information.
You can also contact the designer directly, if you have specific model related questions.
Shapeways Team"
Jeg formoder, at du er blevet kontaktet direkte fra Shapeways og har det under kontrol?
Bedste hilsener
(Down Under)