H.O. System.

af Stephen Millard @, England, 7/10 2015, 10:11 (3337 dage siden) @ Erik V. Pedersen


I do not know if you will get this but I found your question whilst looking through the internet.
Back in 1975 I worked at HO system in the department which designed the products. HO system was based in a large private house on the right side of Gamle Gadelandet which was a road off Frederikssundsvej. At the time I lived in Tisvildeleje and made the journey each day by train, walking from Husum station to and from my work.
HO system designed and manufactured all of their products themselves. The trees were made out of twisted wire covered in dyed flock and the signals were made from brass stampings which were soldered together and then painted. The products were sold in all model shops in the Kobenhavn area and some further away. Today the signals would be considered too large and overscale but back in the 70's they were all that was available. If you want to know anything else please ask and I will try to help.


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